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  1. Is it safe to get a 1945 Buffet pre-R13 Eb soprano clarinet?

    I don't have much knowledge about Eb's but I'm looking to start playing. I found a refurbished 1945 pre-R13 Buffet for sale, but it's $945, so I want to be sure that it's worth it. Anyone who's played on this or a similar model: how's the tuning and tone? Is it risky to get such an old...
  2. Looking for help with condition of sax and repair options (if needed)

    I recently obtained a King Zephyr (1957) and it has brown spots on it, the largest being twice the size of my thumb. It looks a little like rust and is some what scratchy to touch, it feels the same level as the rest of the metal. I am curious what it likely is and whether I need to be...
  3. Choosing a Step Up Bass Clarinet Mouthpiece

    Hi there, I started bass clarinet few months ago. I bought a used Bundy from my repairman. He also gave me a student mouthpiece. Since I've been playing tenor sax for a few years and I use 6 to 7* tip opening on it, that student bass clarinet mouthpiece is too closed tip for me and has lots of...
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