In Concert ... sort of


Distinguished Member
Distinguished Member
So we had our last-before-holidays concert this evening, we arrive at the venue, oops, no chairs (the municipal wind association normally takes care of this, and we're required to hold fiveish public concerts downtown, that's the deal). Yeah, okay, shit happens.

There are a bunch of people on folding chairs, rather unusual, and I think that must be some painting student group that managed not to find Tuscany or whatever's hip these days. All of a sudden those people stand up and form a line. Okay, must be English folks then, they're keen on queues, I think. I follow the queue with my eyes, and at the head is - guess what - a phone shop that would sell the new i-phone at 24:01.
Never in my entire life I've seen such a bunch of disinterested folks, who all were wearing earplugs and probably know music only from downloading, deadpan faces, no applause, nothing. A classic couch potato would have been diagnosed with ADS in comparison.
So we've performed standing in front of an audience that had not the slightest interest in live music (but rather took the room from whomever might have been more inclined to listen), and all because of a stoopid phone. Jeez. :geezer2:

Anyhow, the beers afterward were good. :D
All I can say to that is "What would John Cleese do" in that situation?
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