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Selmer Modèle 26 sopranino??


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I just ran across one of these. I didn't know Selmer made a sopranino before the BA. Pete, you ever heard of this? I can't find a mention anywhere...

The above 'nino was sold in 2006. Saxquest.com was asking $5K for it. I dunno if it sold.

I think I saw on Selmer.fr that they mentioned that they were producing "all" pitches of sax by the Modele 26. The oldest C melody I have pics of is in the 2000-range. Bari in the 900 range.

All that being said, please post pics!
Thanks Pete! I just bought one pretty cheap. It's on it's way. One owner closet horn, body and mechanics perfect and still the original pads--playable--with original mpc and cap. Lacquer has a few age spots but basically no wear. I'm kinda excited...I'll do pix as soon as it arrives.
It really appears that the only difference is the addition of pearls to the alt F# and G# keys. Interestingly, the only difference between the Modéle 22 Bb sop and the BA curvy is the addition of that same F# pearl.
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