Stencil surprise (to me) - Couesnon sax marked as Noblet

I have more than a passing interest in Couesnon instruments. On SOTW there is a Couesnon section, and a thread commenting on stencils.

I was surprised to see a Noblet, made by Couesnon. The only time I have associated Noblet and stencils, they have been made (apparently) by Noblet and marked as something else. Though this is in the clarinet section.

Anybody else surprised about a Noblet made by Couesnon?

I've seen Selmers made by Buffet. Un momento. Let's see if I've got the pics someplace ....

Ah. Here we go. It's a Buffet Dynaction. The Dynaction and SuperDynaction were fairly popular for stencils, as they were the pro model for Malerne and were probably more well known as the Opera model for Olds. However, it's pretty interesting that Buffet was making horns for a direct competitor.

Couesnon also made stencil for Selmer, prior to the introduction of the Modele 22.

Couesnon seems to have been, before about 1935, one of the largest, if not the largest, instrument manufacturers in France. That's mainly because Couesnon was an amalgamation of several companies. Around 1935, they reformed. They had some spectacular models for a couple years and then settled into one model that they only lightly tweaked over 40 or so years.

Beaugnier, Dolnet and Pierret made horns for practically everyone, too.

So, a Noblet that's made by Couesnon? Not earth-shattering. Interesting, tho.
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