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That Soprano Sound

What if we post clips of our current soprano "sound"?

What tune should we do?

This could be fun/ugly.........:emoji_smile:

We should do the following Thelonious Monk tunes:

Four In One

Trinkle Trinkle


Reflections (Just to make things more romantic, sexy, or something along those lines)
I mostly play very avant garde pieces on soprano. I'm not sure that any of you would be hip enough to really get my artistic bent. :emoji_relaxed:
Glen: . . . ugly. I doubt that all of us know a common tune. Me? As long as it was done by Bechet, I could probably participate. I already have a few tunes in my iTunes program. But I'm guessing that few others here know my stuff - and I sure don't know the rest of the forum's stuff. DAVE
Dave: You're definitely old "trad" school for sure but I've heard your playing live in your own living room. It's nice! ;-)

And, you have a lot of gear in those closets worth fondling. LOL
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Thanks, Glen. Still, if everyone agreed on something by Thelonius, that would leave me out . . . but the same goes for choosing a Johnny Dodds' or Bechet tune - that would leave most everyone else out. DAVE
I mostly play very avant garde pieces on soprano. I'm not sure that any of you would be hip enough to really get my artistic bent. :emoji_relaxed:

I am all for that.

The saxophonist on my avatar is Bruce Ackley, who is a member of the "avant garde" group the ROVA Saxophone Quartet.

Perhaps we should do some Steve Lacy instead?
I am all for that.

The saxophonist on my avatar is Bruce Ackley, who is a member of the "avant garde" group the ROVA Saxophone Quartet.

Perhaps we should do some Steve Lacy instead?

Sorry my comment was meant to say that my soprano playing leaves much to be desired. It's actually decent but I'm still not happy with soprano so I suppose I tend towards comments like that.
Soprano is really my weakest link. I don't get called to play it and don't pull it out of the closet very often at all. I've recently been trying a different mouthpiece (Rovner Wilkerson model) and have been wanting to do a recording to see what it sounds like on memorex. :emoji_smile: I don't know if I'll get to it this week as I'll be heading on vacation Saturday.
I recorded something on soprano tonight but I'm too embarassed to post it. :oops:

You should post it anyway. It can't be that bad.

What is the worst that can happen?

Hey Ed, it is a work in progress. Soprano is one of the more difficult saxophones, but I feel it is really worth the hardship and effort.
What is the worst that can happen?

Probably that I actually post the thing!

It's Been a Long, Long Time since I've recorded anything on soprano. I opened up my standards fake book and used a pathetic BIAB backing and that's the one take wonder.

My horn setup:

Yanagisawa SC901
Rovner Wilkerson #7 mouthpiece
Modified/trimmed down Rovner ligature
Rico Select Jazz 3m filed reeds

Recorded using an AKG Perception 200 mic
Glen: Wunerful a' wunerful!!! I'll bet Welk comes back just to hire you! I liked it AND my iMac did not blow up while playing it. Absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of. Thanks for starting this off.

As far as the tone goes, it sure didn't sound like a curved sop to me (oh NO! I may have just created yet another controversy/myth - I apologize for that).

I have several clips of me playing - how do I get one of them onto this site? DAVE
Now I need to get the studio back up and running at the house.

I should really pick up Band In A Box.
OK, so I did a little YouTube of me playing soprano. My tone sucks.

I'm a lot better on curved soprano. As I've mentioned before: it's not because the CS has inherently better or different tone, but because I play the soprano sax like a clarinet and ... that isn't right. I've got some other issues, as well, as you'll be able to hear.
Glen: Wunerful a' wunerful!!! I'll bet Welk comes back just to hire you! I liked it AND my iMac did not blow up while playing it. Absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of. Thanks for starting this off.

As far as the tone goes, it sure didn't sound like a curved sop to me (oh NO! I may have just created yet another controversy/myth - I apologize for that).

I have several clips of me playing - how do I get one of them onto this site? DAVE

Thanks for the comments/kudos Dave. Soprano is such a difficult little beast, especially with as little time as I dedicate to it. I'm usually happy if I can keep my intonation close to the same zip code. If I have a tone that doesn't bring out the shotguns even better. :emoji_smile:

To be able to post clips you need someplace to "host" them. The upload limits here at the forum aren't large enough for sound files. Some folks seem to set up a free account at soundclick and host music files there.


I hope this helps.

Pete: ROFL :emoji_smile::emoji_smile::emoji_smile::emoji_relaxed:

Coltrane's soprano playing has always left me looking for the control knob. I never found his tone very pleasant. Even his tenor playing grates on me at times.
Glen: I went to that site but didn't see how it could help me post a sound clip here. Maybe I didn't read it close enough (most websites are so busy they make my eyes glaze over . . .).

Isn't there a way to put a sound clip here like you did? Mine are short - I have a couple of clips that would fit into this discussion (about soprano tone), one with an SC902 and one with my 1928 straight TT sop (just to show there is little difference between my two shapes).

Pete - I know that we all have different tastes, so as not to offend anyone who likes Coltrane etc., I will not comment on that link to youtube you posted. One question though, what was that drummer doing? Oh how I detest that stuff. DAVE
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