hello! I’m from Chile and I have a yanagisawa A900u.
I love my sax, I love the sound it has but for a while that i want to buy a tenor. and for that i need to sell my sax.
I spent hours online looking for some information about my sax, model specifications and prices, to sell it a fair price. but I haven’t found anything about this yanagisawa.
Could you help me with some information? please!
pd.. My English sucks, I hope you can understand me.
hello! I’m from Chile and I have a yanagisawa A900u.
I love my sax, I love the sound it has but for a while that i want to buy a tenor. and for that i need to sell my sax.
I spent hours online looking for some information about my sax, model specifications and prices, to sell it a fair price. but I haven’t found anything about this yanagisawa.
Could you help me with some information? please!
pd.. My English sucks, I hope you can understand me.
Karla Navarro